About Us
Want to learn a new skill or trade?
Career Ready Alabama is a statewide initiative aimed at increasing career or work-ready skills for individuals and providing businesses a tool to help them identify career ready employees. The program offers access to WorkKeys assessments, WorkKeys job profiles, Alabama Career Readiness Certificates, and online training.

The Alabama Community College System
The Alabama Community College System’s commitment to access is characterized by statewide geographical locations, open enrollment, and low-cost tuition, as well as a variety of programs and services that remove barriers to college entrance, education pathways, and workforce training opportunities.
Regional College Resources
Planning for a career starts at day one.

The goal of Worlds of Work is to present a variety of career opportunities via hands on, interactive activities across ten career worlds to students to help them make smart choices for their future and encourage them to stay in school. The desired outcome is to improve high school graduation rates and develop career interests among students to move their communities forward with workforce ready graduates.
Worlds of Work has sessions for eighth grade students as well as high school juniors and seniors. For your school or students to participate, please call Lisa Morales at 256.231.5160, ext. 19.
Career Focus Areas Represented:
Agriculture and Outdoor Resources
Automotive and Modern Manufacturing
Business and Entrepreneurship
Communications, Media and Marketing
Education and Training
Energy and Utilities
Engineering and Technology
Public Service
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Schools Attending:
Worlds of Work is open to public, private and home schools in: Calhoun, Cherokee, Clay, Cleburne, Etowah, Randolph and Talladega Counties
For Additional Information:
Contact Lisa Morales at 256.231.5160; ext. 19 or lmorales@eastalabamaworks.com